
Something(s) That Terrify Me

This is Day 6:

Instead of focusing on one fear, and letting this post become depressing, I'm going to make a little list. Some of these things terrify me to the core, others are worrisome, and some just give me the heebee jeebees.

  • losing a loved one
  • the ocean
  • spiders 
  • not being the mother my daughter deserves
  • always living a plane ride away from family
  • my pcos
  • earthquakes
  • taking people for granted
  • becoming stagnant
  • falling through ice
  • other creepy bugs
  • looking out into the dark


  1. Spiders...really only spiders, oh wait I see "other creepy bugs" in there, that's what I thought. I didn't know about the falling through ice one though, that is terrifying.

  2. I don't think you EVER have to worry about No. 4. Silly lady.
