
Handmade Monday: easter basket

These adorable little baskets caught my attention while strolling through the holiday goodies in Target recently.

I was super tempted to scoop one up for ELA, but I found the idea of attempting one of my own even more enticing. Unfortunately, when I went searching for supplies, I couldn't locate the necessary stiff felt, so I had to come up with a slightly different approach. 

About halfway through, when it was still miles away from anything functional, I began to question both my stradegy and skills.

Determination coated in frustration pushed me forward (I refused to let a pile of felt win!), and I'm actually quite delighted with the finished product. Here is ELA's new Easter basket:
Side 1
Side 2
Basket in action.

Obviously she made out pretty well in the sugar department. How did you do? I hope you received at least a treat or two to help fuel you through this Monday.


  1. Adorable! Your brother got one of the robot buckets and he got me one if the pretty laser cut ones. ELA's is much cuter and definitely made with more love!


  2. The basket looks great and she seemed to really like it. Nice.
